What are Style Essences

Simply put style essences are the natural lines and shapes of your face and body. Most people are aware of dressing for their body shape. Many believe that when dressing all they need to do is dress for their body. When dressing it is actually best to dress for your body and face. The Dressing For You! system helps you to learn and dress for your unique style essence.

There are many style typing systems out there. Arguably the most popular style system to follow is David Kibbe's. The Kibbe system refers to essences as archetypes. This system has five basic archetypes, eight archetypes that are a mix of the basic archetypes, making for a a total of thirteen style archetypes.

Dramatic(Flamboyant): theatrical bold "yang"
Natural: relaxed casual  "yang"
Classic: simple elegant neutral
Gamine: fun boyish "yang"
Romantic(Soft): womanly feminine "yin"

Flamboyant Natural: Mix of dramatic and natural.
Soft Dramatic: Mix of mostly dramatic with some romantic.
Soft Natural: Mix of natural and romantic.
Dramatic Classic: Mix of classic and dramatic.
Soft Classic: Mix of classic and romantic
Flamboyant Gamine: Mix of dramatic and gamine.
Soft Gamine: Mix of romantic and gamine.
Theatrical Romantic: Mix of mostly romantic with some dramatic.

David Kibbe's system is good and relatively simple, but it is not accurate. Despite how easy and straightforward Kibbe is some people become frustrated and confused with this system. There are multiple reasons for this, I will use two Kibbe verified romantic celebrities, Christina Ricci and Beyonce, to prove my first point.

Beyonce in these romantic influenced clothing definitely looks mature, womanly, and sexy. She doesn't look overwhelmed or underwhelmed by her clothing. When you look at her, the dress is not wearing her, she is wearing the dress. She looks like herself.

Now let's see Christina Ricci in similar romantic attire.

Christina Ricci simply cannot pull this off the way Beyonce does despite them both belonging in to the same archetype in the Kibbe system. I would even go as far to say that she looks like a little girl playing dress up. The reason for this is because Christina's primary style essence is INGENUE not romantic. The ingenue type is feminine but not sexy, womanly, or mature in the way romantic is. The ingenue type is distinctly cute, feminine, youthful, and sweet. An ingenue reminds one of a young girl and can often getting away with wearing things a young girl would wear, like for example pigtails.

Christina is definitely pulling off the pigtails despite her being an adult woman. Now let's compare her to Beyonce in pigtails.

Beyonce certainly doesn't look natural in pigtails the way Christina does, they don't make her look cute. Compared to the first pictures I posted of Beyonce these looks are disappointing, Beyonce has the absence of ingenue in her style essences and is clearly a romantic while Christina is clearly an ingenue.
There is one more basic style essence missing from the Kibbe system. I will again use two Kibbe     verified celebrities to prove my point. Anjelica Huston and Tilda Swinton are both dramatics in the Kibbe system. Both of these women are considered "yang" or as I prefer to call them masculine Looking masculine does not stop them from being beautiful.

Both these women are both belong to Kibbe dramatic. Both are tall, thin, and masculine looking, but there is a softness, a femininity to Tilda's face that Anjelica does not have. Anjelica looks more present and agressive than Tilda. What is the feminine element that can be seen in Tilda's face? It isn't lush and womanly like a romantic nor is girly and cute like an ingenue. Doesn't Tilda look strange to you, almost like an alien, like she is not of this earth? The reason for this is because Tilda isn't just a dramatic she is also an ETHEREAL. The Ethereal style essence is  unearthly, peaceful, soft, and feminine. Ethereals can get away with wearing things that are soft,sea and cloud-like, things that look like they are floating, flying, or slipping away. The ethereal essence is often confused as dramatic since lines of the clothing are often elongated like a that of a dramatic. But look what happens when you dress Tilda like a dramatic.

This honestly isn't that bad, probably because one of Tilda's primary style essences is dramatic. Look how much better and like herself she looks when she adds ethereal to her style.


Ethereal style clothing is much more flattering and beautiful on Tilda than dramatic only.
Now lets see what happens when Anjelica Huston who has no ethereal essence.

Anjelica definitely does not wear ethereal clothing like Tilda does. Anjelica has no feminine features and she overpowers this style of clothing.

So there are actually seven basic style essences.

Dramatic, Natural, Gamine, Classic, Romantic, Ingenue, and Ethereal.

The next problem with many style typing systems is that there are a limited amount of archetypes that everyone is expected to fit into. In Kibbe there are only thirteen style types that everyone fits in. Some of the basic essences never even get to mix. I am only aware of a couple style typing systems that acknowledge that someone may not just have multiple style essences but also may have a more dominant style essence.

The only system I know of that not just creates a custom style essence by mixing multiple essences but also advises people on how to dress when one style is more dominant is the Personal Style Counselors system. PSC have been around since 1964. Kitchener, a leading force in the PSC, actually discovered the ethereal style essence. PSC do it based on percentages. Someone they type may be 60% romantic, 15% natural, 15% dramatic, 5% ethereal, and 5% ingenue. This can be confusing. I understand and appreciate being as thorough as possible but if an essence is as low as 5%  it can be ignored, no need to make shopping harder.

 In my Dressing For You! system I don't use a limited amount of archetypes and I don't use percentages. When I type you I will assign you as many essences as are needed to complete your look. I use to the terms primary, secondary, and tertiary. Your personal primary and secondary style essences must be worn. The tertiary can only be slightly acknowledged, in fact it is perfectly fine if you ignore a tertiary style essence, it does not make or break your look.

 Primary style essences are your most dominant style expression, if you go without wearing this you will look awkward. But If you at least wear your one of your Primary essences you will look okay but if you wear all of them you will look great! The secondary style essences are also important when dressing as well but are not dominant. If you wear your secondary essences only you will look passable. Not everyone has a tertiary style essence but when they do they can only handle hints of their tertiary essences in their personal style. This system is better explained visually. I will use Rihanna  as an example.

Rihanna's primaries in my system are romantic and gamine . Rihanna's has two secondaries,ingenue and natural, and one tertiary which is dramatic. All that Rihanna's tertiary does is allow her looks to be slightly more flamboyant. Most people would describe the image that Rihanna projects as sexy and fun. I find it funny how these keywords are associated with Rihanna primary style essences. Romantic is sexy and womanly, while gamine is fun and boyish. Lets see how Rihanna looks when she dresses as if her tertiary essence, dramatic, is dominant.

 I know there is this idea that Rihanna can wear anything ( people often  feel this way about gamine types) but honestly in dramatic dominant clothing she looks uncomfortable and stiff, like she is trying way too hard.

Lets see what happens when Rihanna wears her secondary essence, ingenue


This is way better than dramatic, Rihanna has a good amount of ingenue. She has the ability to look sweet and cute.  Rihanna even looks good in the ingenue's trademark hair, pigtails! 

How does Rihanna look when she dresses as a Natural?


 Rihanna looks normal in natural styles despite how feminine she looks. People without natural as a primary or a secondary look sloppy when wearing this style, but Rihanna just looks normal, maybe a bit overwhelmed by the clothing but normal nonetheless.

What does Rihanna look like when she dresses as a Gamine without consideration of her other primary essence?


  Rihanna looks good in her primary. The Gamine lines and shapes in the clothing bring out her boyish and feisty looks. Notice how good Rihanna looks with a pixie cut. If someone looks good with a pixie cut it is almost always because they are a gamine. Gamines have youthful boyish looks and as such look good in youthful boyish styles. A pixie cut is reminiscent of a style that a little boy would wear, see how good Rihanna looks with it.

What does Rihanna look like when she dresses as a romantic without consideration to her other primary essence?

Answer is Rihanna looks good in these dresses. Romantic clothing does not make her look like masculine, overwhelm her, or make her look like a little kid playing dress up like what happens to people with the absence of the romantic style essence.

 So finally what happens when Rihanna dresses for all her style essences?
Here you go.

 Trying to find celebrities wearing their correct style essence is difficult. But this is pretty close to Rihanna's best personal style.These looks are very flattering and harmonize with her face and body. I would say the style here is what makes Rihanna look like Rihanna, the fun, sexy, relaxed, youthful, spirited woman that many of us know and love. Are you thinking "hey those are just nice clothes, I like that style, most people would look good in that!"

Well, lets take a look at Beyonce. In my system she is primarily a romantic. How does Beyonce look in romantic gamine natural ingenue clothing?

This isn't bad but it isn't great. Neither of these women are more beautiful than the other but Rihanna is flattered by, and looks much more believable in this clothing style than Beyonce. Beyonce is not her most beautiful here. Don't believe me? Take a look at the pictures I first posted of Beyonce in the beginning of this page then look back at these ones. You have to be blind not to see how much better Beyonce looks in the style I first posted her in.

So how can the Dressing For You! system help you? I can find the personal style that flatters and harmonizes best with you as a person. This makes shopping and picking out clothing and other fashion items much simpler. No more buying clothes or shoes that end up never worn. No more wasting money on items that are trendy and looking back years later, embarrassed by how you dressed. No more disappointment with yourself when you put on clothes, that looked good on a celebrity or friend, only to find out that the clothing looks hideous on you. No more trying to disfigure or hide how you look with clothing. When you dress according to your style essence it just makes life at least a little bit easier. Finding and expressing your style essence isn't just about clothes. Style is an extension of the personality. Style typing puts you one step closer to fully understanding, appreciating, and accepting yourself as a unique person. There is and only ever will be one of you and so dress like it!

If you are at all interested in getting your own personal style analysis please go to my services.


  1. Christina Ricci and Rihanna's typing always bothered me too.
    Rihanna is often typed as a Theatrial Romantic, however she wears bobs and pixie cuts really wear and she's spunky, so I knew there was another essence involved.


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